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ANTEROOM TRANSMISSION vol.2 - re+habilis

ANTEROOM TRANSMISSION vol.2 - re+habilis

2023/12/8 - 2024/1/28 →2024/2/18


ホテルアンテルーム京都では、2023年12月8日から2024年1月28日までの期間、若手作家育成プロジェクト「ANTEROOM TRANSMISSION」第2弾として企画展を開催します。











「ANTEROOM TRANSMISSION vol.2 - re+habilis」 会期:2023年12月8日(金)~2024年1月28日(日)※2024年2月18日(日)まで会期延長 時間:10時~20時 会場:ホテル アンテルーム 京都 l GALLERY 9.5 住所:京都市南区東九条明田町7番  TEL:075-681-5656 (担当:豊川 / 新原) 出品作家:佐俣 和木、ナカミツキ、山口みいな 推薦者:金澤 韻、筒井 一隆、堀江 紀子 主催:ホテル アンテルーム 京都、MISENOMA 企画:上田 聖子(MISENOMA) デザイン:梅岡 隼人  サイトデザイン:須山 千尋 翻訳:松山 のぞみ 問い合わせ先企画)広報:熊崎) オープニングレセプション:2023年12月8日(金)18:00~20:00  “ANTEROOM TRANSMISSION vol.2 - re+habilis” Dates: Friday, the 8th of December 2023 – Sunday, the 28th of January *extended to Sunday, the 18th Feburuary 2024 Time: 10:00 - 20:00 Venue: HOTEL ANTEROOM KYOTO | GALLERY 9.5 Address: Aketacho 7, Higashikujo, Minami-ku, Kyoto City, Kyoto, 601-8044 Tel: 075-681-5656 (Toyokawa and Niihara in charge) Exhibition Artists: Kazuki Samata, Mitsuki Naka, Miina Yamaguchi Recommenders: Kodama Kanazawa, Kazutaka Tsutsui  , Noriko Horie Organiser: HOTEL ANTEROOM KYOTO, MISENOMA Curation: Masako Ueda (MISENOMA)   Design: Hayato Umeoka Website design: Chihiro Suyama Translation: Nozomi Matsuyama Contact: (Curation: Ueda) (PR: Kumasaki) Opening Reception: 18:00 - 20:00 Friday, the 8th of December 2023

We are holding an exhibition as part of “ANTEROOM TRANSMISSION” vol.2, a project that helps young artists to develop their work. The exhibition takes place at the HOTEL ANTEROOM KYOTO from the 8th of December 2023 to the 28th of January 2024. Considering that the project started during the pandemic, one of our missions is to create opportunities for the young generation; another is to deliver their works as messages for today since we treat them as portraits of our society. While remote art viewing and digital artworks are increasing after the pandemic, the ‘healing’ effects of art are also attracting attention. Practical endeavours are progressing in the fields of healthcare, social welfare and art galleries in Japan and abroad. In a rapidly changing society, how does art accompany and affect our new lifestyle? Focusing on links between art and healing, three nationally and internationally active curators and art managers selected three young artists for this exhibition. They are currently studying or have graduated within three years. We also intend to examine  how our physical and mental changes and conflicts emerge as society changes from the perspective of rehabilitation. Rehabilitation means “returning to the suitable state” or “recovering to the way it should originally be”. This exhibition explores how art can affect the process where our society and individuals recover. Miina Yamaguchi captures art in the concept of care. Her work transfigures freely to suit the space like a package. Her experiment builds a relationship with the audience. Mitsuki Naka takes art as an expansion of her own body and mind after her teenage experience of drawing on her iPhone as part of a treatment for her condition at the time. Kazuki Samata recognises issues about sports as competitions and the circumstances surrounding them. She tries to question by creating playful equipment and transforming rules. The expressions of these young artists may be daring but they are fresh at the same time. We hope that you enjoy them.

佐俣 和木(さまた・かずき)

Kazuki Samata


What is “the ideal body”? Who defines “the beautiful and healthy body”? In the managed chaos, can we seize an actual body, not a fantasised version?



1994年東京都生まれ 2017 多摩美術大学 情報デザイン学科メディア芸術コース 卒業 2023 京都市立芸術大学大学院 美術研究科彫刻専攻 修了 2019年、多摩美術大学 情報デザイン学科メディア芸術コースの副手を務め、2023年より 京都市立芸術大学 総合基礎実技 非常勤講師 2023 - Present: Part-Time Lecturer in General and Basic Art Practice, Kyoto City University of Arts 2019: Assistant Staff, Art and Media Course, Department of Information Design, Tama Art University 2023: Graduate Degree in Sculpture, Faculty of Fine Arts, Kyoto City University of Arts 2017: BA in Art and Media, Department of Information Design, Tama Art University 1994: Born in Tokyo

Kazuki Samata works on conceptual art that exploits ready-made products. Her other means of expression includes visual and installation works that would replace cultural incongruity blended in everyday life with a sense of humour. 

Recently, she has been paying attention to looseness or richness that was lost as “play” had transformed into “sport” and finally became established. She attempts to regenerate these lost elements in a different way by using her own body and experience of sport as a creative approach.

Kazuki Samata|佐俣 和木

ナカ ミツキ(なか・みつき)

Mitsuki Naka


1997年 兵庫県生まれ 2020年 京都教育大学美術科卒業 2018年度 三菱商事アート・ゲート・プログラム奨学生 2023年 TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 2023 優秀賞受賞 2023: Winner of Award for Excellence, TOKYO MIDTOWN AWARD 2023 2018: Winner of Scholarship on Mitsubishi Corporation ART GATE Program 2020: BA in Art, Kyoto University of Education 1997: Born in Hyogo


Naka examines the impulse that arises from her body and contemporary visual expressions. She draws sketches on a virtual canvas with the most popular electronic device, iPhone and its applications. She takes an approach to use the exports of these sketches and apply acrylic paint. Her drawings reflect an enormous amount of historical music data and records taken from the current music scene and online subscription services. There are images that she can express by moving back and forth between reality and digital space with her paints and devices. The images of music, people's history and communication from a non-verbal aspect are interwoven, and she works on such a complexity as her theme. Digital technology and devices have been developing into an essential part of our lives. Naka spent her teenage years with a half-paralysed body. Her body remained immobile, but on the contrary, her thoughts kept working during this period. In order to leave a trace of the fact she lived, she kept moving her fingers towards the iPhone screen, which she could hold with one hand. The lines she drew with her fingers expressed her inner impulsiveness, which eventually led to her strong interest in others and then to her current creative activities. She presents a new perspective by embedding her own perception of science technology, interaction with people through musical performances, and the impulsiveness of human nature into her drawings and paintings.

Mitsuki Naka|ナカ ミツキ


Miina Yamaguchi


1996年東京都生まれ 2019年多摩美術大学絵画学科油画専攻 卒業 2021年多摩美術大学大学院絵画学科油画専攻 卒業 2019年2月 多摩美術大学卒業制作展 優秀作品賞・福沢一郎賞 受賞 2021年2月 五美術大学連合卒業修了制作展 国立新美術館 2021年7月 個展「pick & fly 」 HB.Nezu 2021年9月 個展「ひえたぽてと」 スペースくらげ 2022年1月 drawing session  guest 1.高橋ヨシ 2.栗原一成 2022年12月 drawing session week  guest 1.堀田ゆうか 2.zecin 3.kengoshimiz 2023年1月 グループ展「あの辺の家を眺める」 OGU MAG + 2023年2月 個展「ユンクス・エフスス・スピラリス」 gallery Scena 2023年6月 experimental camp企画 6okken 2023年10月 POND 渋谷PARCO 2023年11月 ATAMI ART GRANT 2023 えく2〜熱海編 レジデンス Nov 2023: Residency, “Expt 2 - Atami Programme”, ATAMI ART GRANT 2023 Oct 2023: Art Event, “POND”, PARCO Shibuya Jun 2023: Organiser of Workshop, “Experimental Camp Project”, 6okken Feb 2023: Solo Exhibition, “Juncus effsus ‘Spiralis’”, Gallery Scena Jan 2023: Group Exhibition, “Gazing at a House Around There”, OGU MAG + Dec 2022: Organiser, “Drawing Session Week” with guests, 1. Yuka Hotta, 2. zecin 3. kengoshimiz Jan 2022: Organiser, “Drawing Session” with guests 1. Yoshi Takahashi 2. Issei Kurihara Sep 2021: Solo Exhibition, “Cold Potatoes”, Space Kurage Jul 2021: Solo Exhibition, “pick & fly”, HB.Nezu Feb 2021: Joint Degree Show of 5 Art Universities in Tokyo, The National Art Center Tokyo Feb 2019: Winner of Award for Excellent Work & Ichiro Fukuzawa Award, Degree Show, Tama Art University 2021: Graduate Degree in Oil Painting, Department of Painting, Tama Art University 2019: BA in Oil Painting, Department of Painting, Tama Art University 1996: Born in Tokyo



Through the act of drawing lines and things, I engage in dialogue with others and self-expression. I am also interested in the traces of human daily life and the formative structure of letters. My work is not limited to drawings or paintings, but also includes installations and live performances that can dominate the entire space. Furthermore, by organising workshops and projects, I seek means of “placemaking” to create experimental spaces that would help us deconstruct our thinking and explore new values.

Miina Yamaguchi|山口みいな


Kanazawa Kodama|金澤 韻
Kazutaka Tsutsui|筒井 一隆

金澤 韻(かなざわ・こだま)

Kodama Kanazawa



CIMAMメンバー。コダマシーンCode-a-Machine(金澤韻+増井辰一郎) ファウンダー、アーティスティックディレクター。


Kodama Kanazawa is a contemporary art curator and has curated numerous exhibitions in Japan and abroad. Her activities vary as a member of CIMAM, founder and artistic director of Code-a-Machine (Kodama Kanazawa and Shinichiro Masui), co-organiser of the Gendai Bijutsu Online Event JP(calendar of online events of contemporary art conducted in Japanese), guest professor at the Kyoto University of the Arts.

筒井 一隆(つつい・かずたか)

Kazutaka Tsutsui


1986年生まれ。BnA Alter Museumアートディレクター。

ギャラリーでのディレクター職、インテリアデザインオフィスでのアートコーディネート業務を経て、京都河原町にある宿泊型ミュージアムBnA Alter Museumにて展覧会のキュレーションや音楽イベントの企画運営を行う。

近年の主な展覧会企画に「連続するプロジェクト / インスタレーションを所有する」(2022) 「楽観のテクニック」(2020)。

Kazutaka Tsutsui (born 1986) is the art director of the BnA Alter Museum. After working as a gallery director and art coordinator at an interior design office, he is currently curating exhibitions and organising music events at the BnA Alter Museum, an accommodation combined museum in Kawaramachi, Kyoto. Major exhibitions that he has curated in recent years include "The idea of owning an installation / Pass on project"(2022) “The Technique of Optimism” (2020) .

堀江 紀子(ほりえ・のりこ)

Noriko Horie



国内外の現代美術作家のマネージメントを中心にパプリックアート及び アートプロジェクトのマネージメント業務に携わる。


Noriko Horie is the director of the OFFICE HORIE. She has been engaged with the management of contemporary artists in Japan and abroad alongside other art and public art projects. She has coordinated exhibitions at various art festivals and galleries such as Yokohama Triennial, Aichi Triennial and the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa. With many years of experience also as a manager of the artist Kohei Nawa and assistant of Chiharu Shiota, she now focuses on supporting young artists.

Noriko Horie|堀江 紀子


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